Having trouble attracting a steady stream of customers?

Meet SurgeFlows AI.

Fully Automated Funnels And Follow-Up Campaigns Use

The Power Of A.I. To Build Your List And Get New Customers!

These Funnels And Follow Up Campaigns Are Pre-Built And Ready To Use. Just Edit The Copy And Go!


Get Leads From Website, Webchat, SMS, DMs, and More

Follow Up With Our Pre-Built Email, SMS, & Messenger Marketing Campaigns

Send Them To Our Pre-Built Funnels And Web Pages That Convert.

Step 1: Unleash a Flood of Leads from Every Channel Imaginable

SurgeFlows, the ultimate lead-getter, goes beyond your standard website and becomes the Batman of digital marketing.

  • Be Ominpresent and ready to pounce on leads from every corner of the internet.

  • Score leads straight from Facebook Messenger, Instagram DMs, Web-Chat, Inbound Calls and Texts.

  • Keep the conversation going with automatic follow-ups! Say goodbye to missed opportunities and hello to effortless lead generation.

  • Can you say easy-peasy lead gen?


"It's like having a personal assistant that's always on call, minus the snarky attitude."

With just a simple press of a button, you'll have a complete campaign ready to launch. And the best part? No tech skills required!

The "7-Day Sales" Sequence.

Want to turn your email subscribers into customers without lifting a finger? Look no further, my friend!

Our pre-built and fully automated sequence will follow up with your new subscribers for seven days, making your offer irresistible.

Just tweak the pre-written copy to match your brand, and voilà! You're ready to rake in those sales.

The "Comeback" Sequence

Here's a nifty little trick for when customers start ordering from you but then mysteriously vanish into thin air before completing their purchase.

With our pre-written emails, you can effortlessly lure them back to your site and seal the deal.

And if you're feeling extra fancy, you can even send a cheeky little text message to sweeten the deal. It's like having a personal shopping assistant without annoying small talk.

Your sales are about to take off like a rocket ship.

The "Handraiser" Sequence With A.I. Deadline

Want to see your prospects jump at the chance to snag your offer?

Craft a subject line that screams, "I've got what you need!" and watch them flock to your email like seagulls to a french fry.

Our A.I. wizardry will then whisk them away to a fancy new email sequence with a ticking deadline - because nothing motivates like scarcity.

Just tweak the pre-written emails, hit that "send" button, and sit back while our system does all the heavy lifting. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

The "Abandoned Cart" Sequence With A.I. Deadline

Don't let those abandoned carts gather dust, turn them into loyal customers with the magic of urgency and scarcity.

Set a deadline and watch the system work its charm - if someone starts to order but doesn't seal the deal, the system will swoop in with a witty follow-up email (and even a sassy text message if you're feeling bold) to let them know your offer is about to expire.

Who said you can't be a sales wizard without breaking a sweat?

The "Watcher" Sequence With A.I. Deadline

Picture this: you're sitting back, sipping on your coffee, while our campaign does the heavy lifting for you.

It sends out a series of cleverly crafted emails to your prospects, enticing them with juicy content about your offer.

But that's not all - our system keeps a watchful eye on your prospects, waiting for the moment they click on one of those links. And when they do, oh boy, the magic happens.

Our deadline-driven emails kick into gear, using the power of scarcity and urgency to nudge your prospects to take action and buy. Watch the sales roll in.

The "Flash Sale" Sequence With A.I. Deadline

"Get ready to feel the shock of revenue with our 'Flash Sales" - lightning bolts that strike your email list!

This campaign is so easy to use, it practically runs itself and we've already done all the nerdy "tech stuff" for you.

Add your personal touch and our system will start blasting out your Flash Sale announcement and unleash a deadline sequence that'll have customers racing to buy before time runs out.

It's like a high-speed train to profit town - all aboard the money train!"

The On-Demand Webinar Campaign For Direct Sales

"Let's face it, webinars are the Beyoncé of lead generation."

And with our A.I.-powered campaign, we make it a breeze to invite your leads, track registrations and even send out replay links.

This campaign is taking things up a notch with the help of some A.I. magic.

Plus, it'll even give a friendly nudge to those who didn't buy within deadline. See now, Your webinar is ready to rock and roll.

That's exactly what we call smart marketing.

The "New Offer Announcement" Sequence

Got an exciting new offer you want to brag about?

This campaign has got your back! It'll send a flurry of emails over a few days, spreading the word to your list like a boss.

And don't worry about annoying those who've already bought - this baby keeps track and kicks them out of the loop so they don't get bombarded with sales pitches.

Genius, right?

The "Appointment Getter" Sequence

Looking to have your phone ringing off the hook with potential clients? Our campaign is the ticket to getting those calls booked.

Our templates are so effective, you'll be wondering why you didn't think of them yourself.

But now, you just need to watch the magic happen as you sit back and relax. Let the bookings roll in on autopilot, without worring about the nitty-gritty!

The High Ticket Webinar Sequence

Maybe, you're looking to sell high-ticket items? Look no further than our webinar funnel campaign!

We'll invite prospects to an on-demand webinar, track their every move, and even send out replays for those who couldn't make it.

But that's not all - for those who register but don't book a call, we'll hit them up with a "book a call".

It's like magic, but with fewer rabbits and more revenue.

The "High Ticket Watcher" Sequence With A.I. Appointment Setting.

Looking to up level your high-ticket game? Our campaign is the Sherlock Holmes of marketing.

It watches your prospects, analyzing their every click to see if they're interested in what you're offering.

And when they click, our A.I. takes over like a smooth-talking matchmaker, sending them invites to book a call with you or your team.

The Automated Product Launch Sequence With Early Bird A.I. And A.I. Deadline

This bad boy takes your subscribers and whips them into shape with a fully automated "Product Launch Recipe" campaign.

We're talking separate email series for each of your Product Launch Videos, with A.I. tracking who's watching and sending them the next piece of content faster than you can say "launch party."

And for those super-interested prospects? They get to be on the "early bird" list, with a special "Early Access" series sent straight to their inbox.

But wait, there's more! We even have an A.I. deadline to light a fire under all those procrastinators and send them straight to the main sales page.

STEP 3: Let's send them on a wild ride through our pre-built funnels and high-converting web pages!

"It's like having a personal assistant that's always on call, minus the snarky attitude."

Ready to skip the hassle of building your own funnels? No need to wait, just dive in and start using them like a pro...

The Ultimate Funnel Hack: "TripWire" with Order Bump and One-Click Upsells!

Who wouldn't want to make it rain with just one click?

Our sales page template is like a fine wine, aged to perfection after years of testing with millions of visitors. And we're not just stopping there - our two-step order form automatically puts cart abandoners into a campaign so that you can say goodbye to missed opportunities.

With pre-configured order bumps and one-click upsells you'll be a conversion magician once you connect it with our "7-day sales" sequence.

Add your sales copy and watch the cash flow in!

The Flash Sale Funnel With Order Bump And One-Click Upsells!

Looking for a funnel that's as sharp as a Black Friday sale?

Look no further! Our sales page template is modeled after the most successful Flash Sale promotions - it's still a hit today. With a two-step order form, order bumps, and one-click upsells you'll have everything you need to make a splash.

And if you're looking for an extra boost, pair it with our pre-built "Flash Sale campaign with A.I. deadline".

All you have to do is edit the copy and watch the sales roll in. It's so easy, like stealing candy from a baby (but way more profitable).

The "Book Funnel" With Order Bump And One-Click Upsells!

The book funnel is the secret weapon of the most successful marketers.

The big dogs in the marketing world swear by them because THEY WORK. This Book Funnel sales letter template has already sold over 100,000 books (and counting). With a two-step order form, order bumps, and one-click upsells, it's the ultimate package deal.

It's perfect for cold traffic, our pre-built 7-day sales campaign, our pre-built new product announcement campaign, or our pre-built "watcher" campaign with A.I. Deadline.

Just tweak the copy to your liking, and BOOM, you're good to go!

The "Three Pitch Product Launch" Funnel With Order Bump And One-Click Upsells!

This funnel gives you everything you need to automate a classic "Product Launch Formula".

It comes with an opt-in page where people can opt-in to your pre-launch sequence, three video pages for your pre-launch content (with an early bird opt-in form on each one), an early bird sales page and a "main" sales page.

Plus it has order bumps and one-click upsell pages so you simply add your own content and you're good to go! Perfect to use with cold traffic or our pre-built Product Launch campaign with Early Bird A.I. and A.I. Deadline!

The "On-Demand Class" Funnel (High Ticket and Direct Sale Versions!)

Say goodbye to the old-school webinars and hello to the On-Demand Class funnels!

This baby is like an automated webinar on steroids, but without the wait. No more pretending to be live and leaving your prospects hanging. With this bad boy, you'll give them instant access to your amazing content and skyrocket your conversions and trust.

The package includes a registration page, broadcast page, replay page, and a sales page that will make your head spin with its two-step order form, order bumps, and one-click upsells.

And if you're feeling fancy, the high ticket version even has an application and scheduling page.

The "Free Challenge" Funnel With VIP Sales Page, Order Bump, And One-Click Upsells!

Running free challenges is a great way to build your list, bond with them, and make sales.

This funnel comes with a proven registration page template, a VIP sales page template with a two-step order form and order bumps, and it comes with one-click upsell pages.

Just add your copy and content and go! Perfect to use with cold traffic or our pre-built new announcement campaign!

The "Agency" Sales Letter Funnel With Built In Application And Scheduler!

This funnel uses a same direct response sales letter template that was used to scale three different agencies, fast.

It's simple, clean, and it works. The sales letter itself has an application form built in so you can qualify prospective clients before you meet with them.

It also comes with a scheduling page so your prospects can book a call easily. Great for use with cold traffic or our pre-built new announcement campaign, our appointment-getter campaign, or all three!

The Paid Challenge Funnel With VIP One-Click Upsells!

Paid challenges are a great way to get new email subscribers and monetize them at the same time.

This funnel comes with a sales page template, a two-step order form with order bump, a one-click upsell page for VIP access, and additional one-click upsells.

Just add your copy and content and go! Great for use with cold traffic or use it with our pre-built new announcement campaign!

The "Bonus Bundle" Funnel With Order Bumps And One-Click Upsells!

This funnel is designed to turn subscribers into customers by offering an irresistible combination of bonuses.

The sales page template has been proven after thousands of conversions

It comes with a two-step order form with order bumps and one-click upsell pages.

Use this with a our pre-built deadline campaign and watch customers come running.

New funnels are being added all the time and you can also create your own web pages (and funnels) from scratch with our super-easy funnel builder. (It's what we used to build this page!)

But we're still not done. SurgeFlows gives you even MORE ways to turn your leads into sales ...


The A.I. Inbox identifies your most interested prospects and allows you to have real-time conversations with them over Email, Text, or Messenger.

It literally knows when they're just on the brink of buying ...and allows you to step in and answer questions and close the sale.

For example ...

Here Are Just A Few Of The Ways A.I. Inbox

Can Help You Sell Even More!

  • If you've got a customer who's ready to order but suddenly gets cold feet, fear not! A.I. OmniInbox will come to the rescue, sending you a little nudge to let you know. Allowing you to have a two-way chat with the hesitant customer via text, all without leaving the comfort of SurgeFlows.

  • Say goodbye to the hassle of juggling messages from different channels! If someone sends you a DM, A.I. Omniinbox grabs the contact info from DMs and allow you to start a two-way conversation on any (or ALL) of those channels ...all within the comfort of your inbox.

  • No more missed opportunities! A.I. Omniinbox will reach out to potential customers who visit your sales page and prompt them to ask any burning questions. Their responses will appear in your Omniinbox, ready for you to seal the deal.

  • Get off that fence and into the sales game! A.I. Inbox will track who opens your emails and follow up with an offer to answer questions via email, chat, messenger, or phone. All correspondence will be organized and easy to manage in your Omniinbox. (This one tactic alone is a game-changer.)

  • Don't let potential clients slip through the cracks! A.I. Omninbox will reach out via text, email, phone, or messenger if they visit your scheduling page but don't book a call. You can help them find a better time or close the deal right then and there.

  • Don't let those webinar leads slip away! A.I. Omniinbox will reach out and ask potential buyers if they have questions or need assistance. No more missed sales opportunities!

  • You're able to have complete two-way conversations across multiple channels ...in REAL TIME ...all from one Inbox.


Here's Everything You Get When You Use SurgeFlows A.I.

  • OmniPresent Lead Capture (get leads from web chat, SMS, Messenger, web forms, and more)

(Worth $2997)

  • Facebook and Instagram Messenger Integration

(Worth $2997)

  • Pre-Written and Fully Automated A.I. Follow Up Campaigns

(Worth $2997)

  • The 7 Day Sales Sequence

(Worth $2997)

  • The "Comeback" Sequence

(Worth $2997)

  • The "Hand Raiser" Sequence with A.I. Deadline

(Worth $2997)

  • The Abandon Cart Sequence with A.I. Deadline

(Worth $2997)

  • The "Watcher" Sequence with A.I. Deadline

(Worth $2997)

  • The "Flash Sale" Sequence with A.I. Deadline

(Worth $2997)

  • The On-Demand Class Sequence for Direct Sales (with Replay Sequence and A.I. Deadline)

(Worth $2997)

  • The "New Offer Announcement" Sequence

(Worth $2997)

  • The "Appointment Getter" Sequence

(Worth $2997)

  • The "High Ticket" Webinar Sequence with Replay Sequence and A.I. Appointment-Getter

(Worth $2997)

  • The High Ticket "Watcher" Sequence with A.I. Appointment-Getter

(Worth $2997)

  • The Automated Product Launch Sequence with Early Bird Sequence and A.I. Deadline

(Worth $2997)

  • Pre-Built High Converting Funnel Templates with 520 funnels across multiple niches or industries

(Worth $2997)

  • The Classic Tripwire Funnel with Order Bumps and Upsells

(Worth $2997)

  • The Flash Sale Funnel with Order Bumps and Upsells

(Worth $2997)

  • The Classic Book Funnel with Order Bumps and Upsells

(Worth $2997)

  • The Three-Pitch Product Launch Funnel with Order Bumps and Upsells

(Worth $2997)

  • The "On-Demand Class Funnel" for Direct Sales and High Ticket (comes with Registration, Broadcast, Replay, Order Form, Upsell, Application, and Scheduling Pages)

(Worth $2997)

  • The Free Challenge Funnel with Registration Page, V.I.P. Sales Page, Order Bumps, and Upsell Pages

(Worth $2997)

  • The Agency Sales Letter Funnel with Sales Letter Page, Application, and Scheduling Page

(Worth $2997)

  • The Paid Challenge Funnel with Sales Page, V.I.P. One-Click Upsell Page, Two-Step Order Form, Order Bumps, and more

(Worth $2997)

  • The Bonus Bundle Funnel with Sales Page, Two-Step Order Form, Order Bumps, and One-Click Upsells

(Worth $2997)

  • The A.I. Inbox with Two-Way Multi-Channel Conversations

(Worth $2997)

  • Two-Way Texting

(Worth $2997)

  • Two-Way Messenger and DMs

(Worth $2997)

  • Two-Way Email Conversations

(Worth $2997)

  • Click-To-Call

(Worth $2997)


Total Value: $37,000+

And not only is this incredibly valuable.

And easy to use ...

And built to SELL ...

It Also Replaces $945 In Costs

...Every Month!

If you were to pay someone to create these fully automated follow up campaigns for you ...and program all the "tech stuff" so that everything worked perfectly, it would easily cost at least $3,000 ...PER CAMPAIGN.

And that's not considering the value of the pre-written copy templates!

You're getting 12 complete campaigns ...all set up and ready to be tweaked and deployed. That's easily a $36,000 value.

The same can be said for the funnels. It costs at least $3,000 to get someone to just design a funnel. And that's just for the layout and overall "look and feel".

You're getting 9 of them. Each template is based on high-converting pages and funnels that have withstood the test of massive ad spend and thousands of visitors.

BONUS: We are also giving you the access to our additional 520 funnels across multiple industries.

The Savings ...

And there's also the fact that SurgeFlows


most (if not all) of the expensive software you're probably already paying for.

Think about it. A good funnel builder like Clickfunnels starts at $97. The pro version is $297. Solid page builders like Unbounce start at $90 a month and their cool version is $225. InstaPage is $199 a month.

And these tools are good. They're worth the money!

Then take a look at what solid email systems cost. ActiveCampaign is a good example. Their most popular plan is $149 a month. And if you have more than 2,500 people on your list, it gets more expensive. Keap (formerly Infusionsoft) is about the same. They start out at $169 per month and that's if you only have 1,500 people on your list!

And these services are great. They are 100% worth the money.

Now consider what you pay for web chat. A great web chat service is Intercom and their cheapest package is $79 per month ...and you have to pay annually!

Then think about messenger apps like ManyChat, scheduling software like Calendly, and two-way texting software like SlickText. They're all really great but boy do the costs add up! If you factor in services like those you're looking at an extra $200 per month ...and that's assuming you have a really small list!

Now think about video. Wistia, Vimeo, and other video players can cost anywhere from a few dozen dollars (if nobody watches your stuff) all the way up to thousands every month.

SurgeFlows hosts all your videos for you. Plus it tracks how long your prospects watch them ...and then follows up accordingly! That's another savings of hundreds (if not THOUSANDS) each month!

But we're still not done. SurgeFlows brings you more ...



Meet Your New Secret Weapon In The World Of Marketing!

"Imagine having a squad of marketing masterminds working their magic behind the scenes, but without the hefty price tag that comes with it."

With our Personal A.I. Marketing Assistant & Content Creator, you can bask in the glory of top-notch content creation without breaking the bank.

It's like having a dream team of marketing gurus, minus the high maintenance and caffeine addiction!

This Replaces At Least $10,945 In Costs

...Every Month!

And what's really great is it's all under one system.

So you don't have to duct tape a bunch of stuff together and deal with the headaches that come with doing that.

And don't forget.

As good as all those other tools are, none of them have our pre-built templates and campaigns!

So not only are you saving money but you're also saving time.

Which is why using SurgeFlows is a really easy decision.

Choose The Plan That Works For You!

Pay Monthly
Pay Yearly (save 50%)


Normally $697/mo


  • 12 Pre-Built And Automated Follow Up Email Campaigns With Copy Templates.

  • Drag and Drop Custom Email Builder.

  • Drag And Drop Custom Automation Builder.

  • Campaign And Automation Reporting.

  • Automatic A.I. List Segmentation.

  • Connect To Your Current Website Through Zapier.

  • Facebook Lead Form Integration.

  • Live Support 7 Days Per Week.


Normally $897/mo


  • Everything in the Essentials Plan.

  • SF Content Creator -

    "A" team copywriters.

  • Drag And Drop Funnel Builder.

  • Drag And Drop Website Builder.

  • Website Reporting For Sales And Leads.

  • Split Testing And Reporting.

  • 9 Pre-Built And Tested Direct Response Sales Funnels.

  • 6 Pre-Built Personal Branding Funnels.

  • Membership Site And Automated Course Delivery For Info-Products.

  • Facebook Conversion API Integration.

  • Live Support 7 Days Per Week.


Normally $1297/mo


  • Everything In The Professional Plan.

  • SF Marketing Assistant -

    "A" team marketers.

  • SF Omnibox -The Unified Inbox.

  • Calendar and Scheduling System.

  • Omnipresent Lead Capture (Get leads from Social messages, chatbots, and SMS).

  • Facebook Messenger and Instagram DM Integration.

  • Automated Social Media Posting and Scheduling.

  • Two-Way SMS.

  • Web-Chat to SMS.

  • Two-Way Messenger and DMs.

  • Click-To-Call From Local Number (all done from within SurgeFlows)

  • Automated SMS Follow Up.

  • Text-To-Pay (So you can close sales and get paid over text).

  • Facebook Custom Audience Integration For Automated Retargeting.

  • Live Support 7 Days Per Week.


Normally $697/mo


Paid Annually

  • 12 Pre-Built And Automated Follow Up Email Campaigns With Copy Templates.

  • Drag and Drop Custom Email Builder.

  • Drag And Drop Custom Automation Builder.

  • Campaign And Automation Reporting.

  • Automatic A.I. List Segmentation.

  • Connect To Your Current Website Through Zapier.

  • Facebook Lead Form Integration.

  • Live Support 7 Days Per Week.


Normally $897/mo


Paid Annually

  • Everything in the Essentials Plan.

  • SF Content Creator -

    "A" team copywriters.

  • Drag And Drop Funnel Builder.

  • Drag And Drop Website Builder.

  • Website Reporting For Sales And Leads.

  • Split Testing And Reporting.

  • 9 Pre-Built And Tested Direct Response Sales Funnels.

  • 6 Pre-Built Personal Branding Funnels.

  • Membership Site And Automated Course Delivery For Info-Products.

  • Facebook Conversion API Integration.

  • Live Support 7 Days Per Week.


Normally $1297/mo


Paid Annually

  • Everything In The Professional Plan.

  • SF Marketing Assistant -

    "A" team marketers.

  • SF Omnibox -The Unified Inbox.

  • Calendar and Scheduling System.

  • Omnipresent Lead Capture (Get leads from Social messages, chatbots, and SMS).

  • Facebook Messenger and Instagram DM Integration.

  • Automated Social Media Posting and Scheduling.

  • Two-Way SMS.

  • Web-Chat to SMS.

  • Two-Way Messenger and DMs.

  • Click-To-Call From Local Number (all done from within SurgeFlows)

  • Automated SMS Follow Up.

  • Text-To-Pay (So you can close sales and get paid over text).

  • Facebook Custom Audience Integration For Automated Retargeting.

  • Live Support 7 Days Per Week.


Integrate SurgeFlows with Tools You Already Love With Our Custom Integration And Zapier!

Limited Time Only! (Save $4000 today)